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As part of the culture and fabric of Balance Partners, we feel it is imperative to do our collective part in improving the welfare of others by giving back to both national and local community organizations.  Simply put, we feel a companywide purpose to improve society in some way to  help those less fortunate by  getting engaged.  This occurs in a myriad of ways including but not limited to donations, providing goods throughout the course of the year/holidays, volunteering our time, and other business functions with the sole objective of supporting a social cause.

PAST projects

100 Mile Walk Video
100 Mile Walk

100 Mile Walk

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Michael, Joe, Anthony, Geoff and Justin


Death Valley to Las Vegas

the challenge

To complete the 100 mile walk in less than 36 hours in 90+ degree conditions


To challenge ourselves physically and mentally, and raise money for worthy causes.


September 15th and 16th, 2023

Call to action

Please apportion any donation amongst all four charities if possible

Balance Partners, LLC is a New York Limited Liability Company. In California, Balance Partners Insurance Services, LLC License #0M92717

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