Florida Excess Ex-Cat Property Insurance
Balance Partners has launched an Excess Property Program offered exclusively in the State of Florida. “FLexx” (Florida Ex-CAT Excess) offers excess property coverage above primary All Risks and/or Ex-Cat business, allowing our clients to build up to full limits on property risks. Target Classes, Terms and Conditions are listed below:
Offered in Florida (Ex. CAT only)
A++ Superior Insurance Capacity
Non-Admitted Paper
Policy Limits up to $15MM (Higher Limits Available Upon Request)
TIV's up to $100MM (Higher TIV's Available Upon Request)
$15,000 Minimum Premiums
$5MM Minimum Attachment Point
All construction types
Apartments (incl. Garden Style) with or without Mercantile
Condominiums & Town Homes
Building Owners - Lessor's Risk exposures only
Office Buildings
Retail Properties
Membership Organizations
Educational Services
Health Services